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How to apply?

Eligibility Requirement for Participation

In order to qualify for the program, a student must have completed the 8th grade, be between the ages of 13 and 19 and have a need for academic support in order to pursue a program of post secondary education. All students must be either from low-income families or be potential first-generation college students. The program requires that two-third of the participants in the project must be both low-income and potential first-generation college students. Students selected based on recommendations from local educators, social workers, or other interested parties.

Application Requirements

A student becomes eligible for consideration to participate in the ƬƵ
Upward Bound Math & Science Program upon completion of the following:

1. A program application
2. A high school transcript/most recent report card
3. A counselor recommendation
4. A teacher recommendation
5. A proof of income documentation (1040, welfare or social security award letter)
6. An essay or writing sample
7. An informational meeting (both parent & student must participate)
8. A personal interview with the student and the parent/guardian

When forms are returned to the Upward Bound Math & Science Program, an informational
meeting and interview will be scheduled. The Director and Coordinator will decide who will
be selected for admission into the program after careful review of all of the above criteria.
Academic Requirements for Participation

Failure to cooperate/comply with the following requirements can result in dismissal from the
Upward Bound Math & Science Program:

  • Each student is expected to exhibit a sincere desire and willingness to improve
    himself/herself academically
  • Each student is expected to perform all class activities, homework assignments, test,
    etc. diligently and with determination for self-improvement
  • Each student is expected to participate in all tutorial services offered by the program
  • Each student is required to provide the Coordinator of the Upward Bound Math &
    Science Program with a copy of his/her report card after each grading period
  • Each student is responsible for educational materials checked out to him or her by the

Testing and Record Requirements

  • Students are required to have a complete diagnostic test battery on file. It is the student’s
    responsibility to make up any tests missed. From these test results, each student is issued a
    schedule that is best suited to his/her abilities and academic needs.
  • Scores from an evaluation will also be used to advise and counsel students concerning career
    objectives, study habits and academic problems.
  • Final evaluations of each class will be sent to the parents of the students at the end of each
    program semester.
  • All records of the students are filed in the program office and available for inspections and
    discussion with the student or parent

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