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Shared Resources & Core Facilities

The Support Cores and Shared Resources provide access for LCRC members to technologies, services, and scientific consultation that enhance scientific interaction and productivity. The support of shared services for an entire center provides stability, reliability, cost-effectiveness, access to specialized technology and methodology, and quality control. The organization and successful implementation of core initiatives are critical pieces of a P-30 Cancer Center Support Grant and should provide support to the Cancer Center's programs in a manner that is both cost-effective and supportive of the science.

Each Core must be able to effectively describe the following structure:

* Services and technologies provided and their importance in relation to the scientific needs and objectives of the cancer center.
* Qualifications of the resource director(s) and the competence of key technical staff
* Center policies regarding operation and use of the shared resources, e.g., access, priorities, limitations, and chargeback systems.
* Cost-effectiveness of the resource relative to other options for obtaining the service, such as outside vendors, and the approach used to evaluate the current extent of use by peer-reviewed, funded Center investigators.
* Maintenance of user logs for each shared resource are required and must be available to site visitors for review.

The LCRC utilizes a system of core research facilities that provide state-of-the-art technologies necessary to assist researchers in their work. Core equipment and services facilitate research across programs and affordable resources that no single research laboratory could provide. The following core facilities are available to LCRC members:

Biospecimen Core

The Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium (LCRC) Tissue Procurement and Biospecimen Core Facility (TPBCF) is a part of the infrastructure to support the conduct of basic and clinical research for members of the LCRC. The goal of the repository is to support LCRC programmatic research in order to further improve our understanding of those molecular factors that contribute to cancer and that may lead to prevention, early detection, and cure.

Cell Analysis & Immunology Core

The Cell Analysis & Immunology Core Facility is a customer-oriented service dedicated to supporting the research needs of the investigators of the Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium (LCRC). It provides state-of-art instrumentation and expertise for addressing experimental issues related to single cells, nuclei and chromosomes. In addition to the most powerful cell sorter BD FACSAria, the Facility owns advanced analyzers such as BD LSRII and BD FACSArray.

Genomics Core

The Genomics Core Facility is committed to providing quality service by fulfilling the needs of the research community in a consistently rapid, dependable, and economical fashion. Services include automated DNA sequencing, using state-of-the-art instrumentation (ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzers), and the latest protocols to ensure high-quality results at reasonable prices.

Imaging Core

The purpose of this core laboratory is to assist investigators requiring detection, imaging, and morphometric analysis of gene and protein expression in any type of cell and tissue. Services, expertise, and state-of-the-art biomedical imaging services will be provided with the hope of broadening and streamlining all morphological research.

Proteomics Core

The mission of the Proteomics Core Facility is to help researchers advance their biomedical research programs. The Facility is equipped with gel electrophoresis units, image analyzers and digitizers, and robotics for mass spectrometry sample preparation. Currently, a Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometer instrument implements protein identification.

Adult Stem Cell Core

To propagate, expand and supply high-quality samples of normal mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from in vitro cultures with appropriate quality control assurances for use by LCRC investigators who are studying any aspect of MSCs in relationship to cancer.