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Academic Information


A student whose grade-point average in any semester or whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation must meet with their advisor regarding their status and future enrollment. Students who are permitted to continue in their program of study may be limited to one course and no more than six semester hours in the following semester.

Students on Academic Probation will be given one semester to earn a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 in all courses pursued during that semester, and not more than two semesters to raise the cumulative grade point average to 3.0.


Students on Academic Probation who do not attain the required 3.0 average after two semesters will be academically dismissed. Conditions for continuation in the graduate programs must be recommended by the Advisor and the Chair/Director of the appropriate graduate program.

A student who accumulates two grades of “C” or below will be academically dismissed. A grade of “C” in a major course usually will necessitate retaking the course.


Students have the right to appeal their dismissal from a graduate program to the Graduate Programs Council. This appeal for review requires a letter written by the student to the Graduate Programs Council in care of the Chair of the Division of Education and Counseling or the Director of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies, as appropriate. The letter should explain extenuating circumstances that resulted in poor academic performance.


Students who desire readmission to the university following academic dismissal must make an appointment with their advisor and discuss the reasons for petitioning for readmission. Following that meeting, the student must complete a readmission form and submit it to the Chair of the Division of Education and Counseling or the Director of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies, as appropriate. Readmission must be approved by the Graduate Programs Council.

Readmitted students must make an appointment with their advisor for permission to register for a graduate course(s). Students readmitted after academic dismissal are placed on academic probation and will be dismissed if they do not earn a cumulative average of 3.0 in all courses pursued during the first semester following readmission.

If a student is not readmitted, that student may appeal the decision in writing to the Graduate Programs Council within two weeks of receiving notification.


For information about Student Discipline, please see the general Student Life - Student Discipline section of this Catalog.